Institute of Anatomy
Analyse der postoperativen sagittalen Alignmentveränderung nach Exstirpation primärer extraduraler Wirbelsäulentumore und Stabilisierung. Eine Single-Center-Studie.
Investigation of the effects of EGFL7 on tumor microenvironment and whole-body metabolism in an experimental murine GBM model
Analyse der postoperativen sagittalen Alignmentveränderung nach Exstirpation primärer extraduraler Wirbelsäulentumore und Stabilisierung. Eine Single-Center-Studie.
The Influence of implementing neurosurgical hands-on courses for medical students – A prospective multicenter study on optimal course characteristics
Investigation of the effects of EGFL7 on tumor microenvironment and whole-body metabolism in an experimental murine GBM model