Skull base I
Robot-assisted endoscopy in open skull base surgery
3D Exoscopic versus Microscopic Resection of Vestibular Schwannomas – a Comparative Series
Planning of Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery using 3-Dimensional Models
Pharmaceutical Screening in vestibular schwannoma ex vivo tumor slice model
Digital Patient-Reported Outcome Measures assessing Health-Related Quality of Life in Operative or Conservative Management of Cerebellopontine Angle Tumors
Auditory rehabilitation by brainstem implants (ABI) - Two helpful tools for classifying electrophysiological characteristics and clinical outcome
Surgical techniques and intraoperative measurements for the implant of a new intracranial hearing prosthesis that stimulates directly the nerve: the Auditory Nerve Implant (ANI)
Reclassification of pituitary adenomas according to the new WHO classification – exemplified on a large retrospective cohort
Sellar metastasis: a rare intraoperative finding after preoperative MR imaging of mimicing of a pituitary adenoma
Outcome of repeat transsphenoidal surgery in patients with persistent and recurrent Cushing"s disease
Minimally invasive skull base reconstruction methods using gelatin sponge and collagen matrix
Giant Pituitary GH-secreting Adenoma Spreading to the Posterior Cranial Fossa - Case Report