  • Oral Presentation
  • OP-MCB-002

Insights into the Flagellar Motility System in Magnetotactic Bacteria


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Salon Echter


Microbial Cell Biology


  • Microbial Cell Biology


Daniel Pfeiffer (Bayreuth / DE)


Magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) possess the remarkable ability to navigate by utilizing the geomagnetic field. This magnetic navigation arises from a combination of passive magnetic alignment, mediated by intracellular chains of magnetic organelles (magnetosomes), and active motility driven by flagella, associated with chemotactic responses, particularly aerotaxis. Magneto-aerotaxis is believed to facilitate orientation within aquatic habitats towards preferred growth-favoring oxygen concentrations. Despite MTB exhibiting motility patterns that are highly distinct from well-studied non-magnetotactic model bacteria (including a directionally biased North- or South-seeking motility towards the poles of the geomagnetic field), the underlying molecular mechanisms have remained largely unstudied. To gain insights into these mechanisms, I implemented high-speed live-cell imaging of fluorescently labeled flagella in the genetically tractable alphaproteobacterium Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense, initially reported to possess one flagellum at each of its cell poles. Here, I propose that flagellation in M. gryphiswaldense is not as strictly bipolar as reported previously. Moreover, I will demonstrate how different configurations of the flagella control the movement and directional reversals of M. gryphiswaldense, including the wrapping and pushing of individual flagella. In the near future, visualizing rotating flagella in M. gryphiswaldense will facilitate further investigations into the complex motility behavior in MTB and allow us to unravel the interplay between aerotactic sensing, polar flagellation, and directionally biased motility in magnetic fields. Additionally, a comprehensive understanding of the biophysical aspects governing flagellar motility in magnetospirilla could potentially find application in the construction of bio-inspired microrobots guided and steered by magnetic forces.

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