  • Vortrag

Characterization and comparative analysis of artificial and physiological CoCrMo wear particles


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Materialien und Tribologie


Adrian Buchholz (Magdeburg), Rebecca Höpfer (Magdeburg), Dr.-Ing. Janett Schmelzer (Magdeburg), Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Manja Krüger (Magdeburg), Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jessica Bertrand (Magdeburg)


Abstract-Text (inkl. Referenzen und Bildunterschriften)


The interaction between wear particles and the periprosthetic tissue is not fully understood yet as it is difficult to mimic the in vivo process using in vitro techniques. Therefore, in vitro experiments with artificial wear particles are an important tool for a better understanding of cellular interactions. However, authentic in vivo wear particles are difficult to generate in vitro and the available techniques are expensive. A tailored milling process could provide a promising option to generate artificial wear particles at significantly lower costs.


Commercially available CoCrMo-particles are compared to artificially produced particles and particles obtained from periprosthetic tissue in terms of shape and biological function.


The periprosthetic particles from a MoPE-THI were extracted according to ISO 17853:2011. Three particle types were examined using SEM and laser diffraction in terms of size (distribution) and morphology (aspect ratio, roundness). To investigate the cell interaction, osteoblast-like and fibroblast-like cells were incubated with physiological particle concentrations and evaluated using the WST-1-assay, TUNEL-assay, and fluorescence microscopy to investigate the particle uptake.


All particle types are within the same size range (0.1 to 30 µm). The size distribution, however, increases for both artificial particles when compared to the isolated particles. All particle types predominantly consist of spheric, regular particles with rounded edges. The particle uptake is for all tested particle types at a comparable level. Viability and cell death still need to be examined.


The CoCrMo particles produced by milling correspond to the commercial and physiological reference in terms of morphology. Interestingly, their size distribution is closer to the in vivo generated particles. Therefore, milling seems to be an appropriate method to produce wear particles mimicking in vivo generated wear particles.

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