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Biomaterials and biophysical stimuli: Cellular interactions by alternating electric fields affect bone remodeling processes


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  • Cell-material interactions
  • Tissue regeneration/regenerated medicine


Dr. Rainer Detsch (Erlangen, DE), Thomas Kreller (Erlangen, DE), Franziska Sahm (Rostock, DE), Fiete Haack (Rostock, DE), Prof. Dr. Aldo R. Boccaccini (Erlangen, DE), PD Dr. Anika Jonitz-Heincke (Rostock, DE)


Abstract text (incl. figure legends and references)


Biomaterials and biophysical stimuli such as electric fields (EF) are complementary therapies in bone healing that can be combined to mimic endogenous electrical potentials and currents to promote osseointegration and bone tissue formation [1].


This study comprehensively analyzes the cell-type specific response and the osteoclasts-osteoblasts crosstalk on different biomaterials in alternating EF [2].

Materials & methods:

Osteoclastic precursor cells were seeded on Ti6Al4V substrates modified with biomimetic calcium phosphate mimicking a mineralized matrix. Pre-osteoblasts were seeded on collagen-1 coated substrates to study their mineralization capacity. Both cell types on their substrates were stimulated by directly applying alternating EF (0.7 Vrms, 20 Hz) for up to 31 days to study the cell differentiation behavior. The supernatants of stimulated cells were used to induce the intercellular differentiation of the other cell type via secreted proteins.


EF altered the differentiation of osteoclastic precursor cells in a time-dependent manner. Incubation of osteoblasts with the stimulated osteoclast supernatants significantly increased their differentiation. EF induced the differentiation and mineralization capacity of osteoblasts on collagen-1 substrates. The secreted mediators of the stimulated osteoblasts also induced the differentiation and activation of osteoclast precursors.


The interplay of biomaterials and EF influences bone remodeling processes and induces activation and differentiation of osteoclastic and osteoblastic precursor cells. In addition, the release of specific mediators promotes intercellular crosstalk and mutual activation.


This research was funded by the DFG project DE 1924/4-1 and JO 1483/1-1 "Influence of electrical stimulation on bone remodeling process".


[1] F. Sahm, et at., Front. Physiol. 13 (2022).

[2] T. Kreller, et al., Biomater. Adv. 146 (2023).

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