  • ePoster
  • P286

Ultrasound Guided Percutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation for the Third Occipital Nerve inPatients with Suboccipital Headache Pain. Treatment Proposal


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Ultrasound Guided Percutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation for the Third Occipital Nerve inPatients with Suboccipital Headache Pain. Treatment Proposal


  • Neuromodulation and nerve blocks
  • Secondary headaches


Ernesto Anarte-Lazo (Seville/ ES; Birmingham/ GB), Carlos Bernal-Utrera (Seville/ ES), Juan Jose Gonzalez Gerez (Almeria/ ES), Cleofas Rodriguez-Blanco (Seville/ ES)


Abstract text (incl. figure legends and references)


Suboccipital headache is one of the main symptoms in various pathologies such as cervicogenic headache, acute and chronic whiplash. Sensitization of the third occipital nerve has been identified as one of the main causes of pain specific to the suboccipital region. Classically transcutaneous stimulation (TENS) has been used to treat the symptoms, however, the inclusion of ultrasound in the physiotherapeutic field allows a more specific invasive treatment, guaranteeing the safety of the intervention.


To perform a specific, safe and effective percutaneous approach to the third occipital nerve (TON).


Treatment Parameters with Asymmetrical Biphasic Current:

15 minutes Low Frecuencies: 2-4Hz Pulse Amplitude: 150-300 useg


Ultrasound Disinfection and Asectic Material Dry Needle (0,30/0,40x0,25) Electrotherapy equitment with clamp connectors.


Approximately 1-2 mm superficial to the CII-CIII facet joint in longitudinal view with the probe perpendicular to all planes and about 2-3 cm posterior to the mastoid process and 0.5 cm posterior and inferior to the vertebral artery. A linear probe in longitudinal view is used for this purpose. The out-of-plane or in-plane access will depend on the ergonomics offered by the patient. Doppler mode should be used to locate vascular structures such as the inferior branch of the occipital artery. Sonographically, the TON appears hypoechoic with an internal architecture with a hyperechoic outer rim.


Ultrasound-guided intervention allows a safe physiotherapeutic approach.Percutaneous intervention with electrotherapy allows a physiotherapeutic specific approach.The implementation of electrotherapy is a non-pharmacological alternative, less expensive and more accessible.

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