Abstract text (incl. references and figure legends)
The concept of point of care ultrasound (POCUS) has been enhanced over the last decade. The ultimate goal is to incorporate POCUS into daily practice. However, its use and teaching are different from country to country and from hospital to hospital.
Material & Methods
Observational prospective study about the daily use of POCUS in acute care surgery setting after a short training program (MUSEC Course).
During the study period (5 months), 121 POCUS were performed by acute care surgeons. The most prevalent uses were for the diagnostic of pathology related to cholelithiasis (33 cases, 27%), EFAST (28 cases, 23%), diagnostic of abscesses in soft tissue infections (19 cases, 16%), evaluate hernia content (18 cases, 15%), evaluate the presence of intra-abdominal free fluid or intrabdominal collections (17 cases, 14%). Other uses were as an intraoperative guide or for interventional procedures (3 cases each, 2.5% each). In 75 cases (62%) as a result of performing the ultrasound there was a change in clinical attitude. Our concordance with radiological exams was 60% for the assessment of hernia content (compared to CT scan), 77% for the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis, 86% for EFAST assessment and the 100% for the diagnosis of abscess.
After a short training course, POCUS has been incorporated in our daily clinical practice, being a helpful tool in various pathologies. However, the training received has not been sufficient to be confident in performing ultrasound-guided interventional procedures.
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