Abstract text (incl. references and figure legends)
Introduction: in recent years, in the training process of manual professions, the so-called skill training have become common, which are implemented through the experimental subject institute of the given university. Students perform basic surgical interventions on living creatures. The partially negative feedbacks of long-established courses (AO, ATLS) are well known.
Method: the mentioned schools have timeless results in the field of traumatology education, but at the same time, based on the feedbacks, a new, practical course is introduced. While various suturing techniques and general surgical interventions are part of the thematics of these exercises, other, potentially more specialized skeletal system interventions are not highlighted. The creators of the course - both having AO and ATLS faculty certification - took into account the AO principles and designed a training system that complements the existing courses, taking into account needs that are closer to a person, practice, and question-and-answer oriented. Results: in addition to the difficulties (such as financial resources), we also had to face specific problems, such as the acquisition of relatively expensive traumatology/orthopedic implants, bridging the differences between the used surgical organism (pig) and human anatomy. Another problem was that we had to solve the modeled X-ray-intensive surgeries without an imaging procedure - in order to avoid radiation exposure. Summary: with the help of a kind of clinician-university-manufacturer cooperation, based on the student feedback, we successfully conducted the osteosynthesis practical days at the Surgical Practice and Research Laboratory in Hungary. Based on student feedback, the training raised fewer lingering questions or problems compared to the AO courses. Conclusion: in addition to the different - already proven - forms of training, the new type of small group and practice-oriented training provides better results and clearly better feedback.
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