Abstract text (incl. references and figure legends)
Introduction: The main purpose of a trochanteric fracture treatment is to improve the the quality of life influenced by injured hip function. The aim of this study was to compare intramedullary and extramedullary fixation of trochanteric fractures regarding health related quality of life (HRQL) and hip function, at least two years after surgery.
Methods: Two internal fixation methods were compared in the serious of 78 patients with AO/OTA A1 and A2 trochanteric fractures: Gamma Nail, as an intramedullary method (GN group), and Selfdynamisable Internal Fixator, as an extramedullary method (SIF group). Harris Hip Score (HHS) was used for hip function and SF-12 test, with its mental (MCS) and physical (PCS) component score, was used for HRQL assessment.
Results: The mean values in GN group were: 68.0 PCS, 70.9 MCS and 75.9 HHS. The mean values in SIF group were: 61.3 PCS, 65.5 MCS and 71.0 HHS. The difference between the groups was not significant regarding all three followed parameters (p>0.05). The correlation between all parameters was confirmed (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Final results in A1 and A2 trochanteric fractures treatment are expected to be similar in Gamma Nail and Selfdynamisable Internal Fixator method. The hip function was confirmed as an significant factor influencing the health related quality of life. Keywords: gamma nail, selfdynamisable internal fixator
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