Slaven Babić (Zagreb / HR), Simona Marunčić (Zagreb / HR), Gregor Eder (Zagreb / HR), Tihana Magdić Turković (Zagreb / HR), Srećko Sabalić (Zagreb / HR), Tomislav Čengić (Zagreb / HR)
Abstract text (incl. references and figure legends)
Corona pandemic have brought changes in approach to the patients,especially considering availability of public health care.Emergencies,such as surgical treatment of hip fractures,should not have seen any changes and their treatment should have been the same as in prepandemic period.In this study we reviewed and compared treatment of FFF at prepandemic (PP - 2018., 2019.) and pandemic period (P-2020.,2021.) in our Institution in non-Covid patients at 2 Departments which surgeons treat FFF on different paths:orthogeriatric and standard ways.The aim of this study was to compare inhospital management and clinical outcome with minimum followup of 6 months after surgical treatment of FFF.Inclusion criteria was hip fracture after low energy trauma and age 65+.The patients were divided into 2 cohorts (prepandemic and pandemic),each with 2 subgroups (OG and STD).We monitored and compared age,sex,comorbidities,time from trauma to surgery,type of anesthesia,mobilisation after surgery,lenght of hospital stay,loss of blood,inhospital mortality.There were 512 (381 with complete followup) patients with FFF in PP cohort and 540 (411) in P cohort.74% of patients were female in PP cohort and 71% in P cohort.We found patients in P cohort comparing to PP cohort had signicificantly shorter time to index surgery and had shorter lenght of hospital stay.Patients treated by surgeons from Orthogeriatric Department comparing to standard care Department were mobilised earlier,had less tranfusions,had decreased inhospital mortality in both,prepandemic and pandemic,cohorts and been supported discharged (62% vs. 55% at standard care Department).Non-Covid patients with femoral fragility fractures did not influence any lack of adequate treatment during epidemic in our Clinic. Data from this study show that Corona pandemic brings faster patients turnover and its presents did not influence on acceptance of new medical knowledge in treatment of FFF on organisational and executive levels.
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