Abstract text (incl. references and figure legends)
Large-bowel obstruction caused by advanced colonic cancer occurs in 8 % – 13 % of colonic cancer patients and represent challenging matters in terms of diagnosis, life-saving strategies, obstruction resolution and oncologic treatment. The management of this severe clinical condition has been controversial as well as the optimal timing of resection after decompression of left-sided obstructive colon cancer. Expert-based guideline recommendations have shifted from an interval of 5–10 days to approximately 2 weeks following self-expandable metal stent (SEMS)
Material & Methods:
Precise analysis though systematic literature searches to know evidence-based statements has been performed to compare publish data to our experience.
During a period of 10 years, the number of acute intestinal obstruction treated in our center by stent placement due to colorectal cancer is reduced. Of these, only 15 were treated with a self-expanding colonic stent. 13 of them were male and 2 female. The mean age 72.85 years. The locations for placement were: 13.3% upper rectum neoplasia, 66.6% sigmoid neoplasia and 20% recto-sigmoid junction neoplasia.
60% had to undergo emergengy surgery due to complications derived from the placement of the stent, all intervening by laparotomy: in 50% of these, there was iatrogenic perforation of the colon during admission.
These poor results may be related to the incipient experience of our center with the use of endoprosthesis, as well as the small number of patients treated by this route. It is also show worse results in patients with more advanced stages advanced stages of the disease (especially N+).
Despite many studies that recommend the growing use of colonic stents to treat complications derived from colorectal cancer given its good results, in our center we need a more complete study with the treatment of a greater number of patients to recommend its use and reduce the rate of complications.
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