• Quick shot presentation
  • QSP1.06

Value of early Procalcitonin kinetics in predicting infectious complications post-appendectomy


Ort / Stream:


  • Education
  • Emergency surgery


Abstract text (incl. references and figure legends)

Introduction The occurrence of intra-abdominal abscesses is the most severe post-operative infectious complication after appendectomy. Several research has been conducted in an attempt to identify the patients most at risk. Procalcitonin (PCT) was initially described as an early, sensitive and specific marker for sepsis associated with bacterial infection. We therefore hypothesized that PCT could serve as markers predictive of the development of intraabdominal abscesses after surgery for uncomplicated appendicitis. Materials and methods: This study is a prospective, single-centre, observational cohort study in patients with uncomplicated appendicectomy. PCT values were obtained preoperatively (T0), after the procedure (T1) at 24 hours (T2), 48 hours (T3) and 5 days (T3) after the procedure with blood analysis and with test point of care (POC

Results The primary aim of this study was to assess the diagnostic accuracy of Point-of-Care tests for PCT in identifying post-appendectomy abscess. The secondary objective was to determine diagnostic accuracy in identifying any infectious complications

Conclusions: We expect the incidence of abscess and infectious complication to be increased in the high PCT group compared to the control group. Previous investigations indicate that the overall morbidity related to infectious complication is about 1-10% in patients undergoing laparoscopic appendectomy. Our pilot study revealed that the incidence could reach up to 15% in patients with prolonged high PCT values.

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