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Banking of the World's First Allogeneic Undirected Cryopreserved Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant "Allogeneic cryoPBSC, DKMS-1": An overview on the first year

Banking der weltweit ersten allogenen ungerichteten kryokonservierten hämatopoetischen Stammzelltransplantation "Allogene cryoPBSC, DKMS-1": Ein Überblick über das erste Jahr


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Posterausstellung 3


Banking of the World's First Allogeneic Undirected Cryopreserved Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant "Allogeneic cryoPBSC, DKMS-1": An overview on the first year


  • Stem Cell Transplantation


Sina Rößler (Dresden / DE), Karin Büttner (Dresden / DE), Carolin Klemm (Dresden / DE), Angela Wobus (Dresden / DE), Anne-Cathleen Rieger (Dresden / DE), Anja Sauer (Dresden / DE), Debroah Buk (Tübingen / DE), Kristina Hölig (Dresden / DE), Gero Hütter (Köln / DE), Alexander Schmidt (Tübingen / DE; Dresden / DE), Alexander Platz (Dresden / DE)


Peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC) as main source for transplantation are mobilized by G-CSF-administration and collected by apheresis. In many cases, cell amounts exceed the requested dose. After cryopreservation these extra cells are an undirected stem cell source with fast availability and clear quality specifications. DKMS Stem Cell Bank offers a cellular product based on highest standards and holds both manufacturing authorization and the federal license for "Allogeneic cryoPBSC, DKMS-1".

Only persons who are requested for a directed donation, might donate cells for cryopreservation. The DKMS Donor Center (DKMS DC) identifies suitable candidates with the highest probability for a successful collection by the help of an algorithm. Cooperating apheresis centers collect the prioritized directed product and the product intended for cryopreservation considering donor safety and health. Subsequently, PBSC transported to, processed and tested at DKMS Stem Cell Bank (DKMS SCB). Quality of PBSC products is verified before freezing and after thawing. The corresponding data sets are listed by DKMS Registry and German National Bone Marrow Donor Registry (ZKRD).

During the first year of stem cell bank activity, routine processes were successfully implemented at DKMS DC, apheresis centers and DKMS SCB. Staff of apheresis centers were trained and number of cooperating apheresis centers was increased to three. The apheresis centers obtained manufacturing authorization and federal license for the product intended for cryopreservation. Storage of cryopreserved products were increased and quality of stored products is verified regularly. We observed a high willingness of donors to donate for an additional undirected stem cell product. Shortly after listing of the first ADCUs (Adult Donor Cryopreserved Unit), transplantation centers were interested in our products.

DKMS SCB has evolved from a pure cord blood bank to a stem cell bank and provides the world's first allogeneic undirected cryopreserved PBSC product. For safe and efficient banking processes, starting challenges were coped on all involved sites. Subsequently, up-scaling of manufacturing is in preparation. We are looking forward to further cooperating apheresis centers, the further increase of our inventory as well as numerous requested ADCUs for shipment.

The authors have no conflict of interest to disclose.

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