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Transfusing physician: "He must have the necessary knowledge and sufficient experience" (RiLi Hämotherapie, 2023) – training needs in hemotherapy

Beitrag in

Hemotherapy and Patient Blood Management



Robert Offner (Regensburg / DE)


Every physician who uses blood products must have the necessary knowledge and sufficient experience and must have been instructed by a transfusion officer in the facility-specific processes and organizational structures in a documented manner. The instructions are to be updated in annual training courses under the responsibility of the transfusion officer. Knowledge of blood transfusion also applies to nurses if they support (delegation takers) the physician during a blood transfusion.

It is examined and shown which regulations on the subject of instruction, training, and knowledge refresher in hemotherapy come into play. The study focuses also on job-specific aspects such as authorization and permission. The calculated scope and effort of the required training measures are quantified, checked for practicability, and critically commented on. A clear division of tasks and delimitation of powers as well as the definition of measures, including documentation, appear to be particularly important.

The uniform instruction of all physicians (old stock, new entrants, etc.) is generally a difficult but feasible undertaking that requires a high degree of discipline, good organization, smooth cooperation with the Department of Human Resources Development, room management, and personnel administration, as well as with the lecturers. The results are different, but hardly flawless in hemotherapeutic practice. Improvement in practice and documentation is possible.

Teaching following regulations in various healthcare facilities is complex and time-consuming, a permanently challenging task, and requires well thought out organization. Therefore, new and promising solutions, such as the use of digital and online education and training measures, are available to ensure legally compliant and up-to-date knowledge as well as practical experience among staff and to maintain them in the long term.

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