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How are we doing? – Donor's view of the blood donation processes

Beitrag in

Blood Donation



Susanne Suessner (Linz / AT), Juergen Kimmerstorfer (Linz / AT), Norbert Niklas (Linz / AT)


A sufficiently sized donor pool is crucial to ensure the availability of blood products for our patients. In addition to the recruitment of new donors, measures for increasing the rate of repeat donors are particularly of importance. Marketing and digitalization measures, such as the introduction of a blood donor app, can contribute to donor retention. The app "Mein Blut" was launched 30 months ago for this reason. We evaluated the impact on the donation process from the donor"s perspective.

A donor survey was conducted to determine donor satisfaction with our process (app, donor communication, etc and assess the effectiveness to take further measures to retain our blood donors. The questionnaires were distributed at all stationary and mobile blood donation drives over a period of 4 weeks; participation was voluntary. The questionnaire comprised 20 closed questions in the following categories: Donor details, voluntary engagement, satisfaction with the process, staff and the app, as well as donor communication. The questionnaires were evaluated automatically using evasys.

From 16.10. to 10.11.2023, 4307 blood donors (61.6% with app, 38.4% with paper health questionnaire) came to the blood donation drives and had the chance to answer the survey. 2056 blood donors (47.7%) completed it. 11% were first-time donors, 25% had donated blood more than 25 times in the past. 73 % of the blood donors are also engaged in voluntary honorary activities. Satisfaction with the blood donation staff and the process was very high. With regard to the app "Mein Blut", the function for filling out the digital health questionnaire and the electronic availability of test results were most appreciated. 25% of donors would like the option to reserve a fixed time slot, 52% remain indecisive whereas 23% prefer to donate spontaneously.

The results of the survey showed a very high level of satisfaction with our new digital process including the app. 74% of the participants in this survey already use the app, our blood donors prefer to be informed about blood donation campaigns via the app's notification function, email, SMS and telephone calls. From 2025, it will also be possible across Upper Austria to reserve appointments for our blood donors via the app, thereby improving donor retention.

No conflicts of interest.

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