
  • P-10-8
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Characterization of artificial perfluorocarbon-based oxygen carriers under physiological blood flow conditions

Beitrag in

Blood Components



Jan-Eric Sydow (Essen / DE), Maja Westhoff (Essen / DE), Fabian Nocke (Essen / DE), Katja Bettina Ferenz (Essen / DE; Duisburg / DE)


Artificial blood in the form of artificial oxygen carriers (AOCs) represents a promising alternative for erythrocyte concentrates in terms of oxygen transport capacity. The aim of this study was to investigate the stability and functionality of perfluorocarbon-based AOCs under shear stress by mimicking conditions of physiological blood flow utilizing a perfusion setup.

An 8 % AOC emulsion in 0.9 % NaCl was synthezised by high-pressure homogenization and perfused over a period of up to 24 hours under normothermic conditions in a vessel-like perfusion setup using a peristaltic pump at 25 rpm. Samples were taken at 0, 1, 3, 6 and 24 hours of circulation in the perfusion setup and analyzed using dynamic light scattering, rheometry and respirometry. A control solution of AOCs incubated at static conditions, 37 °C and 5 % CO2 was characterized in the same way at the intervals indicated.

Dynamic light scattering showed a slight increase in the mean particle diameter of the AOCs from 186 to 226 nm after a perfusion period of 24 h, while the static control solution showed an increase from 186 to 243 nm. The viscosity did not alter during 24 h perfusion and incubation, revealing values of 1 mPas (37 °C, shear rate: 333 s-1) for both perfused and statically-stored samples. The AOCs showed no change in oxygen capacity over a period of 24 h perfusion or incubation, with values between 2.1 and 2.5 µmol/mL. The oxygen capacity of NaCl control solution was considerably lower at all time points (1.1-1.4 µmol/mL), demonstrating that AOCs have an overall higher oxygen capacity (Fig. 1, n=3, mean with SD).

The study revealed that the AOCs remained stable after 24 hours of perfusion under physiological flow conditions and retained their functionality in terms of oxygen transport capacity. Further research integrating a 3D-printed blood vessel into the perfusion system will aid in manufacturing perfluorocarbon nanoemulsions as artificial oxygen carriers for clinical use.

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