  • Freier Vortrag
  • VS-23-5

Evaluation of knowledge about fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia among gynaecologists and midwives in Germany: A survey-based study


Ort / Stream:
MOA 03


Immunohematology 2 - Non Red Cells


  • Immunohematology


Prod. Dr. Gesine Weckmann (Rostock/ DE), Annekathrin Haase (Potsdam/ DE), F. Weckmann (Potsdam/ DE), C.A. Jol (Rostock/ DE)



Fetal and Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) is a potentially life-threatening condition characterized by maternal alloantibodies against fetal platelets, which can lead to severe fetal and newborn thrombocytopenia. Recognizing clinically relevant FNAIT is important for the management of subsequent pregnancies, but little is known about the knowledge of midwives and gynaecologists on this subject. This study aimed to assess the knowledge of these professions regarding FNAIT.


We designed a questionnaire with qualitative and quantitative questions for use among midwives and gynaecologists working in clinical and ambulatory pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum care. The survey consisted of questions regarding the etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management of FNAIT. Participants' responses were collected online via SurveyMonkey and analyzed using descriptive statistics.


Preliminary results show, that 40% (12/32) of midwives and 19% (11/57) of gynecologists questioned, were aware of the most common signs and symptoms of FNAIT, while the majority of midwives and gynecologists would refer children with symptoms to further diagnostics based on typical symptoms. Clinically less significant symptoms relating to extracranial bleeding were more often ignored than more severe symptoms like intracranial hemorrhage or severe thrombocytopenia in laboratory testing. The survey is ongoing.


We designed a questionnaire with qualitative and quantitative questions for use among midwives and gynaecologists working in clinical and ambulatory pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum care. The survey consisted of questions regarding the etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management of FNAIT. Participants' responses were collected online and analyzed using descriptive statistics.

Offenlegung Interessenkonflikt:

The authors report no conflicts of interest.

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