Karla Beatriz Hernandez Juarez (Köln/ DE), Dr. Aylin Pamuk (Köln/ DE), Dr. Ayhan Sahin (Köln/ DE), Dr. Larissa Oustianskaia (Köln/ DE), Prof. Dr. Birgit S. Gathof (Köln/ DE)
A 29 year old woman claimed her contraceptive stick (Implanon NXT®) in her left arm broke due to the blood donation she had done. She reported that the cause of the breakage had been the preasure of the sphygmomanometer used during the donation. It is adviced to remove and replace the implant when damaged to avoid the risk of migration and reassure a consistent hormone release and thus contraceptive efficacy. A physical and imagery examination was done.
Systematic analysis of case reports and studies from the database of the national library of medicine.
Implants have gained popularity throughout the years since their release in the early 1990´s, with an estimated 492,00 women using them for contraception as of 2012 in the United States alone. There are currently no statitics in Germany.
The clinical examination from a gynaecologist, as well as the sonographical and the radiological one, showed no damage of the device. Although breakage of the Implanon can occur through local trauma, this remains a rare phenomenon, as publications of case-reports throught the years show.
A contraceptive implant can be broken at the time of insertion, at the time of removal, or while in situ. In order to avoid any risks and unnecessary stress, the woman was advised to not do future blood donations with the arm where her contraceptive stick lies, in her case with the left one.
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