Different approaches for the same aneurysm: Simulation training in vascular neurosurgery
Amir Amini (Magdeburg), Vanessa M. Swiatek (Magdeburg), Firat Taskaya (Magdeburg), Sifian Al-Hamid (Magdeburg), Julius Reiser (Magdeburg), Klaus-Peter Stein (Magdeburg), Ali Rashidi (Magdeburg), Ibrahim Erol Sandalcioglu (Magdeburg), Belal Neyazi (Magdeburg)
Surgical approaches in vascular neurosurgery are typically guided more by established methods than by specific pathologies. Modern and established simulators, however, offer the opportunity to train diverse strategies, thus shifting the focus towards vascular pathologies in determining the surgical approach. In this context, we present an effective phantom model designed for clipping aneurysms in the anterior circulation. This model facilitates training in various approaches to identical aneurysms, thereby allowing for an in-depth evaluation of the nuances inherent in different surgical access routes.
The simulator, developed with 3D software, features realistic, reusable phantoms of the skull, brain, and cerebral vessels, crafted using additive manufacturing and expert neurosurgical input. It facilitates training in clipping anterior circulation aneurysms. Its effectiveness and educational value were assessed by twelve neurosurgeons and quantified using objective metrics by senior neurosurgeons.
The subjective evaluation, derived from a 5-point-Likert scale, yielded high face and content validities across all categories, with a mean score of 4.9/5. Objective assessments indicated that the simulator accurately reflected the skills of the participants, demonstrating high construct validity. Novice participants exhibited a rapid and significant acceleration in confidence and acquisition of surgical skills, indicating high predictive validity and transferability of the training.
The simulator, replicating the tactile properties of the brain and vasculature, effectively enhances vascular neurosurgery training. It enables varied approaches for managing anterior circulation aneurysms, offering high realism and cost-effectiveness. Proven to improve surgical skills, it accelerates the learning curve and safely allows testing of new techniques. Further integration into training programs is necessary to maximize its impact.
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