Survival rate of a of programmable valve chain in adults
Despite the rising use of programmable pressure valves, the rate of valve survival of a combination of programmable differential valves and gravitational valves remains unclear. Therefore this study aimed to analyse the valve survival rate and causes of revision surgery of a programmable valve chain.
The retrospective study included all implantations of a valve chain ( plus, Miethke) in a single centre over a time period of three years. Demographic data, aetiology of hydrocephalus and reason for revision procedures were analysed. Furthermore, the shunt resp. valve survival were estimated using the Kaplan-Meier function. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS. The significance level was set at p ≤ 0.05.
Over a mean study period of 3 years 346 cases of valve implantation were included. The aetiology of the hydrocephalus did not have any impact on shunt endurance. Twenty-two revision surgeries due to infection (n=13), valve obstruction (n=6) and others (n=3) occurred. Shunt survival time at 18 months was 88% and valve survival time at 18 months was 97%.
The combination of programmable differential and gravitational pressure valves shows optimal survival time.
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