Deep immunophenotyping unveils depletion of anti-inflammatory T-helper type-2 cells (Th2) and links loss of alternatively activated monocytes (M2) to vasospasm and delayed cerebral ischemia following aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
Björn B. Hofmann (Düsseldorf), Dilaware Khan (Düsseldorf), Igor Fischer (Düsseldorf), Jan Frederick Cornelius (Düsseldorf), Daniel Hänggi (Hannover), Sajjad Muhammad (Düsseldorf)
A sterile inflammatory response initiated immediately after aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (aSAH) heavily contributes to post-aSAH complications and clinical outcomes. Circulating immune cells, particularly monocytes and T cells, depending on their polarisation form and activation status, hereby play a decisive role. The exact dynamic of subgroup polarisation and their role after aSAH is unclear. Therefore, this prospective and controlled study investigated monocyte and T-cell polarisation after aSAH to explore dynamic changes over the course of aSAH and their association with post-SAH complications and clinical outcomes.
We conducted a prospective observational cohort study involving 75 patients with aSAH. Twenty healthy controls were enrolled for this study. Deep immunophenotyping of T-cells and Monocytes was performed using multi-colour FACS analysis on days 1, 4, 7, and 11 post-aSAH. Clinical events, including macro vasospasm, cerebral infarction, and the outcome (mRS 6 months 0-2 vs 3-5 vs 6) were recorded prospectively and analysed using ANOVA and following post-hoc t-tests.
Patients with aSAH displayed reduced alternatively activated monocytes (M2) (3.0% vs 6.3% of all monocytes; p=0.04) and Th2 T cells (45.5% vs 75.3% of all T cells; p<0.001) within 24h after bleeding compared to healthy individuals. Prior to macro vasospasm, patients depict relative reduction in alternatively activated monocytes (M2) (2.0% vs 4.0% of all monocytes; p=0.019) and relative increase in proinflammatory Th1 T cells (15.8% vs 9.3% of all t cells; p=0.0022). Likewise, prior to cerebral infarction, patients showed a relative reduction in anti-inflammatory alternatively activated monocytes (M2) (2.7% vs 4.1% of all monocytes; p=0.049). No significant correlation was observed with patient outcomes (for all p>0.61).
Aneurysmal SAH led to an enhanced pro-inflammatory response, inducing an early shift of monocyte and T-cells towards classical inflammatory phenotypes. Patients confronting CVS or DCI revealed a loss of alternatively activated monocytes (M2) and Th2 T cells shortly after the bleeding prior to macro vasospasm and cerebral infarction. Reconstitution of anti-inflammatory monocytes and T-cells can be exploited to combat vasospasm and confer neuroprotection after aSAH.
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