Valencia / US
Boston Scientific Neuromodulation
Real-World outcomes with directional Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) systems: Awake versus asleep lead placement
Multidimensional outcomes of spinal cord stimulation in patients with chronic pain: Results from a european prospective multicenter observational study
Significant improvement in pain outcomes using a disposable all-in-one radiofrequency injection electrode in a multicenter, observational european case-series
Real-world outcomes using thermal radiofrequency ablation for chronic pain of the lumbosacral region
Prospective, multicenter, international registry of Deep Brain Stimulation for dystonia: A sub-analysis of cervical dystonia patients
Clinical outcomes using a fast-acting sub-perception therapy for chronic pain: A european observational study
Preferred waveforms and outcomes of spinal cord stimulation in CRPS patients: A multicenter real-world observational study
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