Philipps Universität Marburg
Innovation and Technology – Imaging
Neutrophils as immune targets for the therapy of brain metastases
Seizure outcome after epilepsy surgery for ganglioglioma – A multicenter analysis
Update on the experiences of the new established multidisciplinary center for laparotomy-assisted fetoscopic 3-layer spina bifida repair: The first 20 cases
Evaluating the practicality and precision of laser crosshair simulator-aided holographic navigation
Multimodal neurosurgical education in the era of COVID-19: Enhancing neuroanatomical knowledge and neuronavigation skills
Enabling neuronavigation support in posterior fossa surgery using intraoperative ultrasound
Variability of segmentation of the subthalamic nucleus based on multimodal image data
A proteomic signature of glioblastoma enables disease monitoring of patients
Incidence and clinical relevance of peri-lead edema in DBS Patients
Analysis of PD-L1 shedding in glioblastoma: Links to inefficient immunotherapy?
EVA, a novel therapeutic targeting rationale for the treatment of glioblastoma
Outcome of surgical treatment for MESCC (metastatic epidural spinal cord compression) in 175 patients: A single-center retrospective study
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