Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
Rapid communication – Various 1
Surgical infarct volume reduction and functional outcomes in patients with ischemic cerebellar stroke – Results from a multicentric retrospective study
Size of decompressive craniectomy predicts outcome in space-occupying ischemic cerebellar stroke – Results from a multicentric retrospective study
Elaborating reliable indicators for malignant transformation of ischemic stroke requiring decompressive hemicraniectomy – The malignant stroke indicator
Surgical infarct volume reduction and functional outcomes in patients with ischemic cerebellar stroke – Results from a multicentric retrospective study
Intracavitary application of O2/O3 in recurrent glioblastoma – Initial results of a salvage therapy
Size of decompressive craniectomy predicts outcome in space-occupying ischemic cerebellar stroke – Results from a multicentric retrospective study
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