Universtitätsklinikum Freiburg
Artificial-intelligence-based detection of molecular subtypes of glioblastoma using label free intraoperative stimulated Raman histology
Gradual metabolic alterations restructure the spatial architecture and immunity in glioblastoma
Seizure outcome after epilepsy surgery for ganglioglioma – A multicenter analysis
Intraoperative AI-based analysis and diagnosis of intradural extramedullary spinal tumors by Stimulated Raman Histology (SRH)
Spatial transcriptomic architecture of tumours of the peripheral nerve system
EVs carrying Tenascin-C enable tumor-specific mutation analysis in glioblastoma patients
ElectroGenOmics: Integrated spatially resolved electrophysiology and transcriptomics to explore tumor-host communication in glioblastoma
Spatially resolved T-cell receptor sequencing (SPTCR-seq) uncovers diversity of anti-tumor immunity
Unravelling spatiotemporal evolution of glioblastoma under therapy through explainable artificial intelligence
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