Artificial intelligence based histomorphological classification of brain metastases using stimulated raman histology
Functional connectivity within the sensorimotor network in degenerative cervical myelopathy
Epilepsy and neurocognition in patients with glioblastoma
Benchmarking palliative care practices in neurooncology: A german perspective
Streamlined intraoperative Stereotactic-guided biopsy analysis: Brain tumor detection, classification and molecular subtyping with stimulated raman histology and deep learning
A language comprehension and semantic decision fMRI task identifies cortical areas critical to attention and executive functions
Neurosurgery for brain metastases: From an "end-of-life" situation to a hallmark of interdisciplinary treatment – A 10-year retrospective single-center analysis
Digital speech and language therapy of brain tumour patients – An underestimated opportunity?
Impaired migration of tumor cells after MutT homolog1 silencing in paediatric medulloblastoma
Decreasing expression of TRAF proteins with increasing malignancy with lowest expression in IDH-wildtyp glioblastoma
Performance of artificial intelligence-based analyses of label-free stimulated raman histology for intraoperative diagnostic use in recurrent brain tumors
The effects of right- versus left-sided T2/FLAIR lesions of the arcuate fasciculus on neurocognitive abilities in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma
Monitoring semantic association in brain tumour patients using category naming/description: Anatomical correlates and intraoperative feasibility
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