Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg
Stereotactic Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy (LITT) and preclinical tumororganoid-based drug screening in recurrent high-grade glioma. First experiences from the Hi-SMILE study
A deep-learning based workflow for the preoperative MR-based diagnosis of primary central nervous system lymphoma
A questionnaire-based study of the usability and efficacy of rechargeable implantable pulse generators with ECAP-controlled closed-loop spinal cord stimulation
Adverse events in glioma surgery: Results of a prospectively compiled database at a single-center tertiary care hospital
Stereotactic frame-based biopsy of infratentorial lesions via the suboccipital-transcerebellar approach with the Zamorano-Duchovny stereotactic system– a retrospective analysis of 79 consecutive cases
Frame-based stereotactic biopsies of brainstem lesions – Monocentric comparison of the transfrontal and the suboccipital-transcerebellar approach over a 16-year period
Use of biopsy-derived tumor organoids for personalized drug testing in recurrent glioblastoma
Stereotactic Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy (LITT) and preclinical tumororganoid-based drug screening in recurrent high-grade glioma. First experiences from the Hi-SMILE study
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