Vascular Neurosurgery – stroke
A semantic feature score for preoperative prediction of WHO grade and tumour aggressiveness in intracranial meningeoma
The role of surgical re-resection on survival in recurrent Glioblastoma
Resection of malignant radionecrosis results in local control and improvement of symptoms
Prediction score for postoperative complications after elective craniotomies
AI-based analysis of Intracerebral Hemorrhage using radiomics and clinical features as means for rigor decision making in intracerebral hemorrhage
Effects of argon in the acute phase of subarachnoid hemorrhage in an endovascular perforation model in rats
Microsurgical clipping of unruptured anterior circulation aneurysms – A global multicenter investigation of perioperative outcomes
Longitudinal analysis of the immune landscape in recurrent glioblastoma – Infiltration of natural killer cells and TCR clonality as biomarkers of overall survival
Sex-dependent disparities in characteristics and outcomes following microsurgical clipping of unruptured intracranial aneurysms: A global multicenter propensity score-matched analysis
Role of neo(adjuvant) checkpoint inhibition in recurrent glioblastoma
Harnessing the frontal aslant tract's structure to assess its involvement in cognitive functions: New insights from 7-tesla diffusion imaging and perspectives for neurooncological surgery
The value of salvage therapy in recurrent glioblastoma
CMV infection in glioblastoma – Oncomodulation through changes to the glioma immune landscape
The impact of sarcopenia on overall survival after resection of cerebral metastasis in patients with non-small cell lung cancer
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