Universitätsklinikum Giessen
Interdisciplinary Laparoscopic Implantation of neuromodulAtion leadS (ILIAS) to the sacral plexus as therapeutical option of chronic pelvic pain and neurogenic bladder dysfunctions
Perfusion MRI for differentiation between progressive disease and therapy related change in proton-boost irradiated glioblastoma patients
Improved prediction of intrahospital mortality by combining the ICH score with the CRP/albumin ratio in patients with spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage
Influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on pain, quality of life, and depression in patients with Persistent Spinal Pain Syndrome Type II (PSPS Type II) provided with neuromodulation
The impact of high energy proton radiation on intrathecal infusion pumps
Troponin I as a predictor of transcranial doppler sonography defined vasospasm in intensive care unit patients after non-traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage
Combined overexpression of EP2 and EP4 in glioblastoma is associated with shorter survival
Lumbar spinal decompression or fusion surgery and its influence on outcome parameters in patients with intrathecal morphine treatment for Persistent Spinal Pain Syndrome Type 2 (PSPS-T2)
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