Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Vascular Neurosurgery – Various 4
AI-assisted software for planning and production of patient specific rods in adult spine deformity surgery improves radiographic correction results – Comparison with non-AI-assisted surgical planning and execution
A novel experimental model to study spreading depolarizations under cerebral hypoperfusion in the gyrencephalic brain
Myoblast-mediated VEGF/PDGF-BB delivery for augmentation of EMS collateralization in aged mice suffering from chronic cerebral hypoperfusion
Ketamine-induced prevention of spreading depolarization associated late infarct progression in experimental ischemia
Microsurgical clipping of unruptured anterior circulation aneurysms – A global multicenter investigation of perioperative outcomes
Sex-dependent disparities in characteristics and outcomes following microsurgical clipping of unruptured intracranial aneurysms: A global multicenter propensity score-matched analysis
Translaminar spinal tether augmentation for the prevention of proximal junctional kyphosis in thoracolumbar deformity correction
Digital surgical process manager (SPM) to facilitate the workflow and establish standard surgical procedures using the example of the navigated TLIF
The role of carbon-fiber reinforced PEEK implants in oncologic spine surgery – A multicenter experience on implications for postoperative patient management
Microsurgical evacuation performance of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage depending on the type of antithrombotic therapy
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