Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
3D topography of epilepsy tissue as an interface between MRI tractography and cellular neural network analysis
Extracellular RNA drives the immune cell activation after experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage
The effect of human CSF on gene expression in cardiomyocytes - analyzing brain-heart interactions in subarachnoid hemorrhage in an in vitro system
Impact of perioperative Dexamethasone dosage in the context of neurosurgical brain metastasis resection
The functional organization of the supplementary motor area revisited - a study based on direct cortical stimulation in epilepsy patients with subdural grid electrodes
3D topography of epilepsy tissue as an interface between MRI tractography and cellular neural network analysis
19F Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Extracellular RNA drives the immune cell activation after experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage
The effect of human CSF on gene expression in cardiomyocytes - analyzing brain-heart interactions in subarachnoid hemorrhage in an in vitro system
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