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Das Ästhesioneuroblastom als seltene Tumorentität im HNO-Bereich

Beitrag in

Selbststudium: Rhinologie



Peter Christopher Jansen (Duisburg), Stephan Remmert (Duisburg), Florian Sack (Duisburg), Sandra Hasenberg (Duisburg)



The esthesioneuroblastoma (ENB) is a rare malignant tumor of neuroepithelial olfactory cells. The incidence comprises 0,4 of 1 Million in 2019. Due to its anatomic relationship it is likely to affect the skull base and orbit. The clinical appearance takes place through unspecific symptoms such as epistaxis and headache. The ENB is characterized by its local invasiveness and formation of metastasis in cervical lymph nodes, the lung or spine. Therefore a whole-body staging including a PET-CT is recommended besides obligatory CT-/MR-scan of the primary.

Concerning the treatment of ENB every case needs to be evaluated individually to form a multimodal therapy concept.


Evaluation of an internal case report. Scientifical research in PubMed.

Case Report

First presentation of the 21 year old female patient took place in December 2022 for further assessment of an endonasal tumor. The patient was suffering from nasal breathing impairment, headache, reoccurring epistaxis and b-symptoms. A CT-scan showed a tumor in the right nasal cavity affecting the maxillary sinus. The histological result showed an olfactory neuroblastoma. Metastasis was excluded through further staging. The tumorboard suggested a primary surgical removal of the tumor followed by proton radiotherapy.


After surgical treatment (paranasal sinus operation via lateral rhinotomy) followed by proton radiotherapy there was no recurrent tumor detectable through radiological imaging and endoscopy.


Overall, there is no specific therapy regime concerning the ENB. Every case needs to be discussed individually and treated multimodal.


Esthesioneuroblastoma: A Comprehensive Review of Diagnosis, Management, and Current Treatment Options (2019), B. Fiani

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